Seanergy 2025

About Workinblue®
@ Seanergy 2025

Workinblue®  is the employment, training, skills and attractiveness initiative for offshore renewable energy, set up by Bluesign and organised around a web platform dedicated to these challenges, which gathers job offers in the industry. Starting out as a support tool to enhance the attractiveness of the industry and facilitate recruitment for its players, Workinblue is now part of a dynamic of actions dedicated to employment: recruitment, training and the attractiveness of professions. Given the growing needs of the industry, this theme will of course be a key part of Seanergy 2025, with a dedicated programme and exhibition space.

Programme 2024

The area will have 4 « environments », which, with the support of our partners, will enable candidates looking for a job, an internship, a work-study programme or even a retraining programme to discover the industry and the diversity of the professions that make it up. In concrete terms, each of the areas in the Workinblue zone will offer immersion in one of the dimensions of offshore renewable energy, which our guided tours will explore.


A fun first dive-in​

  • Virtual reality workshops
  • Construction of Lego wind turbines accompanied by technical explanations
  • Team challenge on access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy by piloting robots

Zone 2

Discovering the industry​

  • Industry overview & analysis
  • Presentations of careers and training
  • Feedbacks from students and professionals

Zone 3

Encouraging meetings​

  • Jobdating
  • Application collection
  • Job offers
  • Meeting employment professionals to share advice and best practices


Introducing industry stakeholders

  • Students will be able to project themselves into the heart of the industry, through the solutions and technologies on display at the exhibition
  • Jobseekers will meet the players involved and discuss their specific employment and training needs

Workinblue® partners

Workinblue® Seanergy contributors

More information?

You are an offshore renewable energy professional? You want to contribute to the industry attractiveness? You want to pitch your careers and find candidates?
Recruit at Seanergy