Seanergy 2025

Research Posters Make the whole industry aware of your research

There is not thriving industry without a strong related research to continue improving techniques and processes. It seems obvious, right? As a leading event for the offshore renewable energy industry, it only seems right for us to offer opportunities to showcase research and make it available to all players and, in this way, contribute in creating synergies between academic, public institutions and private companies of all sizes. In that perspective, Seanergy invites all academics (universities, research institutions, laboratories) & industrials to submit posters about their research, as long as an academic stakeholder is involved and it’s connected with one of the fields below.
A dedicated area at the heart of the exhibition space will be dedicated to display the posters selected to compete for our Awards:

Deadline: April, 4th Call for Research Posters is now open!

*The participation fee for submitting a poster is €40 excluding VAT, to be added to the visitor pass cost of €250 excluding VAT. Please note that this amount covers administrative and logistical expenses associated with presenting your poster at the forum.

For more information on poster submissions and payment details, please don’t hesitate to contact us at   

Submission process 


Before April 4

> Submit your topic via the dedicated form (submission is now closed) 

> Wait for our team to confirm your topic's acceptance


Before working on your poster

> Check out our jury’s advice for a poster with winning potential – and most of all, to showcase your project in the best way possible

> Download the poster template

> Download the abstract template


before May 13

> Register & pay the fees to confirm your participation* > Send us your poster in pdf and your abstract


June 17-18

> Meet the jury and attendees at Seanergy to promote your project

Seanergy 2024 R&D award

A dedicated area at the heart of the exhibition space was dedicated to display the selected posters, for all participants to discover and enjoy. All posters were be reviewed by the jury. The best research poster was rewarded by Farnçois de Rugy, senior advisor for Alentra and former French Minister for the ecological transition, during the « SEANERGY 2024 R&D Award » session, as well as 2 special prizes and the participants’ price. BEST POSTER:Residual strength of synthetic mooring lines for weather buoys” by Iroise Petton, GEPS Techno and Peter Davies, Ifremer SPECIAL PRIZES FROM THE JURY: > “A comparative study between a pulsed and a continuous wave lidar mounted on a buoy against a trusted reference” by Salma YAHIAOUI, AKROCEAN > “Tidal turbine wake characterization with vessel-mounted ADCP campaign” by Marion Huchet, DynamOcean PARTICIPANT’S AWARD: “The carbon footprint of maritime operations in offshore wind – An innovative model to evaluate offshore vessels CO2 emissions” by Eloïse Ducreux, Spinergie