“In an unprecedented political context, the 2024 edition of Seanergy demonstrated the motivation and commitment of industry players, who must redouble their efforts to pursue their ambitious development. The density and diversity of the participants and the quality of the discussions once again confirmed that this industry, which has been growing steadily for over 10 years, is essential to the energy transition. It makes a significant contribution to decarbonized electricity, which has a significant impact on Europeans’ purchasing power. »
Sabrina Pedrosa Peseux, CEO of Bluesign, organizer of Seanergy
20-22 June, 2023 | Paris- France Seanergy 2023
“The Parisian edition of Seanergy was a great success, welcoming nearly 4,000 participants and 200 exhibitors. The topics addressed, both in the exhibition and during talks and panel discussions, were strengthened with hydrogen, floating solar energy, digital technology and drones, as well as the challenges linked to training and employment in this sector. Today, Seanergy is helping to make France one of the world’s leading regions for offshore renewable energies, in a global context of climate crisis and energy sovereignty. »
Sabrina Pedrosa Peseux, CEO of Bluesign, organizer of Seanergy
15-16 June, 2022 | Le Havre, Normandy - France Seanergy 2022
« In line with the strong global dynamics, the 2050 strategy published by the European Commission sets a target of 300 GW for offshore wind power and 40 GW for tidal and wave power. Given its potential, France can play a full part in this, to the benefit of the positioning of its players and its energy transition.
The recent announcements of the Government, aiming at 40 GW installed in service by 2050, with the construction of 50 offshore wind farms and 20,000 jobs expected for the industry by 2035, lead to this direction, making France one of the first territories in the world for marine energy.
In this context, our 2023 edition in Paris, a true global hub, will facilitate the participation of a very large panel of economic and political decision-makers, to reflect together on the growth that is taking place for the sector, while allowing us to take stock of the issues specific to each region, in a collective and concerted manner.
In the continuity of this exceptional 2023 edition, the 2024 edition will mark our return to the region, close to the job pools, factories and projects, to rediscover the dynamics of the Pays de la Loire, a pioneering destination and a true European driving force for the development of marine renewable energies. » Marc Lafosse, Former President of Bluesign, organizer of Seanergy