Seanergy 2025

RecruitAttractiveness, employment and skills

Bluesign has been following and supporting developments in offshore renewable energy for nearly 10 years. Employment and skills have been at the heart of Bluesign’s development challenges and actions from a very early stage, as demonstrated by the creation of Workinblue back in 2017. At the heart of a industry that is already recruiting thousands of applicants, with the prospect of +20,000 new jobs (direct or indirect) by 2035*, the leading event for offshore energies represents a golden opportunity to take action to meet the following challenges.
A dedicated area at the heart of the exhibition and a programme of guided visits to exhibitors who wish to do so will enable you to promote your employer brand and/or your training courses to a qualified audience of students from all backgrounds and job seekers.

Reasons to join Workinblue® as a recruiter


your new talents & future interns

Explain & promote

your company, technologies and career opportunities to candidates


schools and their training programms to work with & easily find your futur talents


a dedicated area to meet candidates & recruitment specialists for advice